Taylor Chapin

[Image description: A photo of Taylor in the studio. She has light skin and long brown hair, and wears a pea-green top. She looks at the camera with a subtle smile.] Photo: Arlene Mejorado.

Working in both oil and acrylic, Taylor Chapin's paintings examine advertising, branding, superficiality, and the construction of value under the lens of American neoliberal capitalism. Her work questions our mindless drive toward industrialized American consumerism, the contents of which fill and fetishize our interior and exterior spaces. She reimagines mundane consumer goods emphasizing their inherent banality while simultaneously enshrining them, questioning how value is manufactured and challenging the perceptions of what is real/unreal, valuable/valueless.

Chapin was born and raised in San Diego, California. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting from San Francisco Art Institute, and she recently graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from the University of California San Diego. She lives and work in Oceanside, California. She currently has work on view at Oolong Gallery in Encinitas, CA and Quint Gallery in La Jolla, CA. She also has a forthcoming exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art, San Diego in May 2023.


Read about her work on HereIn:

Portfolio: Taylor Chapin