Maddie Butler

[Image Description: Maddie sits in her studio with her artwork. She has light skin and curly brown hair, and rests her head against her left hand while staring at the camera.] Photo: Deanna Barahona

Maddie Butler was raised on an island in the middle of a lake in Minnesota. Her highly interdisciplinary practice explores the way machines shape human relationships. Much of the work springs from her research into the evolving material conditions of the image, from pre-cinema animation technologies to AI. In the past year Butler has been a fellow at the Banff Centre (Alberta, Canada), the Sass-Fee Summer Institute of Art (New York, NY) and the Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles, CA). She has exhibited internationally and received support from the Qualcomm Institute, the Suraj Israni Center for Cinematic Arts, the Russell Foundation and the Andy Warhol Foundation. Butler holds a BA from Yale University and is currently pursuing her MFA at the University of California San Diego, where she also teaches media history and production courses.

Read about her work on HereIn:

Maddie Butler with HereIn