Danielle Dean, Bazar, 2018, HD video, 4 min. 38 sec. clip of 10 min. video

[Video description: The video features four women making their way through various scenes. Their skin tones range from light to medium-dark. They all wear winter coats, and one wears a black head wrap. For much of the video they carry large cutouts of tools, including a shovel, a pick axe, a sickle, and a pitchfork. They pick up their tools on a grassy hill; ride the subway; enter an empty space where they examine a cut out illustration of a woman with dark skin wearing an old-fashioned dress. At one point in the video, they encounter another woman, who has medium-dark skin, and wears a voluminous white dress and head covering. She makes trembling, excited movements and sounds. Interspersed throughout the video are various other scenes: a digitally-rendered image of household appliances set on a green field at night; animated illustrations of domestic objects march in front of a map of French island territories; one of the women dances to techno music around a large, digitally-rendered red espresso machine. In the last scene, the four women walk into a white space, in the center of which is a video of clouds in blue sky, which serves as a backdrop with a white fence in front of it. A fifth woman stands behind the fence, resting her arm on it and smiling. The four women join her, posing and smiling at the camera. One says, “I feel like a complete gardener’s overalls with pockets today!” The four women all laugh and walk off the screen.]